Ev’ry Valley (Handel) sung by Hubert Eisdell 1882-1948 – now being rediscovered for his fine musicality and diction. A great English singer and musician from the early 20th century who later lived in Canada.
Michael says:
“Beware when listening to 78 recordings like this; conductors and musicians worked very hard to get the speed up to fit the performance on to the one side within the 3 minutes plus – sometimes less – available, so try not to take the speed as a recommendation.”
Ev’ry Valley (Handel) sung by Nicolai Gedda born 1925.
Michael’s says:
Here is another fine version which makes a remarkable comparison with the Eisdell, not only about the way we sing Handel now but also, as the later recordings show, the opportunities afforded to musicians to be more relaxed about their music making.
Michael’s piano accompaniment to Handel’s Every Valley Shall Be Exhalted and much more Handel repertoire for singers is available for instant download from the YourAccompanist website.
Featured image: Michael enjoying a privileged look at the NDR music library which doubled as his dressing room for a performance in 2010.
[Photo credit: helen@youraccompanist.com]